post reduces all swtrace data collections and will evolve as additional hooks are defined.
The "-verbose" option enables the writing of all optional messages to stderr. By default, only actual error messages will be written.
The "-showx" option decodes a swtrace.nrm2 file into an ascii file ( without any further processing. This is useful as a generic data reduction for any combination of the swtrace hooks, allowing for further specific reduction on the resulting file.
post with the -arc option generates one record per branch record. With the -c option the data is compressed to the subroutine level: all contiguous records in the same subroutine are collapsed together. The -ss option provides embedded disassembled instructions. The -ssx option adds actual instruction bytes to the instruction record.
post generates the "tprof.out" report whenever there are tprof hooks in the trace. The typical invocation of post for tprof is :
See Tprof Reports for sample
-clip N clips report entries at N%. The default is no clipping.
-off creates an "offset" report stanza and creates another file "tprof.micro". This report contains symbol filenames, tick symbol offsets, and
line numbers.
-jdir is used in conjunction with the jprof fnm= option. This locates the jprof jita2n files to allow jit address resolution.
The following are some of the options:
The"logpath" option puts jita2n files into the specified directory ( /work ), with the specifies prefix ( log ).
If the java fnm option is used post must use the "-jdir" to access the jita2n files. For the java invocation above, the post
command needs to be: