
PerfUtil Java API: PerfCounter class


     // Opens the hardware performance counters facility provided by PerfUtil
     // for exclusive control of the performance counters by the calling process.
     // Input:
     // - None.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        Success. Calling process has exclusive control of the
     //             performance counters.
     // - non-zero: Error or performance counters already opened for
     //             exclusive access.
     // Notes:
     // - Access is exclusive only if using the PerfUtil counter access APIs.
     // - Caller can use either the event or counter APIs.
     // - No other process can change the performance counter controls, nor
     //   write to an MSR while the facility is being held exclusively. Reads to
     //   perf counters and MSRs *ARE* allowed by any process.
     // - It is not necessary to open the performance counter facility in order
     //   to use it, and most of the time you do not want to use it exclusive.
     static native int OpenPerfCounterFacilityExclusive();


     // Closes the hardware performance counters facility provided by PerfUtil
     // and relinquish exclusive control of the performance counters.
     // Input:
     // - None.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        Success. Calling process no longer has exclusive control
     //             of the performance counters.
     // - non-zero: Error(s).
     // Notes:
     // - Access is exclusive only if using the PerfUtil counter access APIs.
     // - It is good practice to always close the facility after using it.
     //   Just in case, the facility is closed implicitly when the process
     //   that holds it exclusively terminates.
     static native int ClosePerfCounterFacility();


     // Returns the number of performance counter events supported.
     // Input:
     // - None.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        Error or no performance counter events supported.
     // - non-zero: Number of performance counter events supported.
     // Notes:
     // - The number of performance counter events supported is only valid
     //   on the current system and on the current configuration.
     // - The returned value (if non-zero) should be used to allocate the
     //   arrays passed to GetPerfCounterEventIdList() and GetPerfCounterEventNameList().
     static native int GetNumberOfPerfCounterEventsSupported();


     // Returns the number of performance counter events that can be counted
     // simultaneously.
     // Input:
     // - None.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        Error or no performance counter events supported.
     // - non-zero: Number of performance counter events that can be counted together.
     static native int GetNumberOfSimultaneousPerfCounterEventsSupported();


     // Returns whether or not the given performance counter event id or name
     // is supported on this system.
     // Input:
     // - event_id:   Event id of desired event.
     // - event_name: Event name of desired event.
     // Returns:
     // - true:       Performance counter event is supported.
     // - false:      Performance counter event is not supported.
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterEventSupported(int event_id);
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterEventSupported(String event_name);


     // Returns whether or not the given performance counter event id or name
     // is active (currently being counted).
     // Input:
     // - event_id:   Event id of desired event.
     // - event_name: Event name of desired event.
     // Returns:
     // - true:       Performance counter event is active.
     // - false:      Performance counter event is not active.
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterEventActive(int event_id);
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterEventActive(String event_name);


     // Returns whether or not *ANY* performance counter event id or name is
     // is active (currently being counted).
     // Returns:
     // - true:       At least one performance counter event is active.
     // - false:      No performance counter event is active.
     static native boolean AnyPerfCounterEventActive();


     // Returns a list of supported performance counter event ids or event names.
     // Input:
     // - id_list:    Array which will contain event id list.
     // - name_list:  Array which will contain event name list.
     //               - Dimension should be at least the value returned
     //                 by GetNumberOfPerfCounterEventsSupported().
     // Sets:
     // - id_list[] and/or name_list[]
     // Returns:
     // - 0:          Error.
     //               - No supported performance counter events.
     //               - id_list[]/name_list[] array dimension too small.
     // - non-zero:   Number of elements set in id_list[] or name_list[] array.
     static native int GetPerfCounterEventList(int[] id_list);
     static native int GetPerfCounterEventList(String[] name_list);


     // Returns information about given performance counter event.
     // Input:
     // - event_id:   Event id of event whose information is needed.
     // - event_name: Event name of event whose information is needed.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:          Success. Instance of PerfCounterEventInfo class
     //               containing performance counter event information.
     // - non-zero:   Error getting event information.
     static native int GetPerfCounterEventInfo(int event_id, PerfCounterEventInfo event_info);
     static native int GetPerfCounterEventInfo(String event_name, PerfCounterEventInfo event_info);


     // Starts counting a specific event.
     // Input:
     // - event:      Event id of event to be started
     // - priv_level: Privilege level at which event will be counted
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error starting event
     // Notes:
     // - Valid event ids and privilege levels are listed under "Performance Counter
     //   Events" in
     // - Starting an event will reset any previously started events.
     // - Fails if required resources are busy.
     // - There is no guarantee that the event will be started in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     static native int InitEventCounter(int event, int priv_level);


     // Stops counting a specific event and releases all resources associated with it.
     // Input:
     // - event:      Event id of event to be terminated
     //               If ALL_EVENTS then all current events are terminated
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error terminating event
     // Notes:
     // - Valid event ids are listed under "Performance Counter Events"
     //   in
     // - Fails if requested events are not currently initialized.
     // - There is no guarantee that the event will be terminated in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     static native int TerminateEventCounter(int event);


     // Stops counting a specific event.
     // Input:
     // - event:      Event id of event to be stopped
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error stopping event
     // Notes:
     // - Stopping the event merely stops it from counting. The current
     //   value of the counter is not reset. The event is still initialized
     //   and can resume counting by invoking the ResumeEventCounter() method.
     // - There is no guarantee that the event will be stopped in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     static native int StopEventCounter(int event);


     // Resumes counting a specific event.
     // Input:
     // - event:      Event id of event to be resumed
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error resuming event
     // Notes:
     // - Resuming the event continues counting from the current value.
     //   This method is usually invoked sometime after invoking the
     //   StopEventCounter() method.
     // - There is no guarantee that the event will be resumed in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     static native int ResumeEventCounter(int event);


     // Resets counter associated with specified event.
     // Input:
     // - event:      Event id of event to be reset
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error resetting event
     // Notes:
     // - Resetting the event merely resets the value of the counter. The event
     //   continues counting.
     // - There is no guarantee that the event will be reset in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     static native int ResetEventCounter(int event);


     // Get (read) counter values associated with specified event.
     // Input:
     // - event:      Event id of event whose value are to be read
     // - evt_ctrs:   Array that will contain the value of the event
     //               counters, one counter per processor.
     // - evt_cycles: Array that will contain the value of the Time Stamp
     //               Counter (TSC) at the time the counter was read, one
     //               per processor.
     // Sets:
     // - evt_ctrs[]
     // - evt_cycles[]
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error getting event counters
     // Notes:
     // - There is no guarantee that the events will be read
     //   from all processors at the same time.
     // - evt_ctrs[] and evt_cycles[] are indexed by CPU number.
     //   Element i contains the value of the requested counter for
     //   the ith processor.
     // - The largest valid index for evt_ctrs[] and evt_cycles[] is (CpuCnt - 1).
     static native int GetEventCounter(int event, long[] evt_ctrs, long[] evt_cycles);


     // Returns the number of performance counters supported.
     // Input:
     // - None.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        Error or no performance counters supported.
     // - non-zero: Number of performance counters supported on this system.
     // Notes:
     // - The number of performance counters supported is only valid on the current
     //   system and on the current configuration.
     static native int GetNumberOfPerfCounters();


     // Returns the number of highest numbered performance counter supported.
     // Input:
     // - None.
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        Error or no performance counters supported.
     // - non-zero: Highest valid performance counter number supported on this system.
     // Notes:
     // - The number of performance counters supported is only valid on the current
     //   system.
     static native int GetMaxPerfCounterNumber();


     // Returns whether or not the given performance counter number or name
     // is supported on this system.
     // Input:
     // - number:     Counter number.
     // - name:       Counter name.
     // Returns:
     // - true:       Performance counter is supported.
     // - false:      Performance counter is not supported.
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterSupported(int number);
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterSupported(String name);


     // Returns whether or not the given performance counter MSR is valid.
     // Input:
     // - number:     Counter number.
     // - name:       Counter name.
     // Returns:
     // - true:       Performance counter MSR is valid.
     // - false:      Performance counter MSR is not valid.
     // Notes:
     // - Even though a performance counter MSR may be valid, it is considered
     //   invalid if the associated performance counter is not supported on
     //   this system.
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterMsrValid(int msr);


     // Returns a list of supported performance counter ids (numbers) or names.
     // Input:
     // - num_list:   Array which will contain counter numbers list.
     // - name_list:  Array which will contain counter names list.
     //               - Dimension should be at least the value returned
     //                 by GetNumberOfPerfCounters().
     // Sets:
     // - num_list and/or name_list[]
     // Returns:
     // - 0:          Error.
     //               - No supported performance counter events.
     //               - num_list[]/name_list[] array dimension too small.
     // - non-zero:   Number of elements set in num_list[] or name_list[] array.
     static native int GetPerfCounterList(int[] number_list);
     static native int GetPerfCounterList(String[] name_list);


     // Returns a performance counter number given a performance counter name.
     // Input:
     // - name:       Performance counter name.
     // Returns:
     // - CTR_INVALID_ID: Invalid name.
     // - other:          Performance counter number.
     static native int GetPerfCounterNumberFromName(String name);


     // Returns a performance counter name given a performance counter number.
     // Input:
     // - number:     Performance counter number.
     // Returns:
     // - null:       Invalid number.
     // - other:      Performance counter name.
     static native String GetPerfCounterNameFromNumber(int number);


     // Returns the MSR number associated with a performance counter number or name.
     // Input:
     // - number:     Performance counter number.
     // - name:       Performance counter name.
     // Returns:
     // - CTR_INVALID_ID: Invalid counter number/name.
     // - other:          Performance counter MSR.
     static native int GetPerfCounterMsr(int number);
     static native int GetPerfCounterMsr(String name);


     // Set and start counting on the given counter in given processor(s).
     // Initializes counter to 'value' and starts it.
     // ***** Pentium 4 ONLY *****
     // Input:
     // - cpu:       Processor on which counters should be started or:
     //              - ALL_CPUS
     //              - LP0_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     //              - LP1_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     // - value:     Value to which counters should be initialized
     // - ctr_num:   Counter number (0 - 17)
     // - CCCRValue: Value to set up CCCR
     // - ESCRAddr:  ESCR MSR address (0x3A0 - 0x3EF)
     // - ESCRValue: Value to set up ESCR
     // - XMSRAddr:  Other required MSR address or zero
     // - XMSRValue: Value to set up other MSR or zero
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error starting counter
     // Notes:
     // - If starting the counter in more than one processor, the start *WILL NOT*
     //   be atomic: there is no guarantee that the counter will be started in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     // - CCCRValue, ESCRAddr and ESCRValue are required.
     // - XMSRAddr and XMSRValue are optional and should be 0 if not used.
     // - Can only start one counter at a time, so must be invoked once
     //   per counter to be started.
     // - To start on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     static native int StartP4Counter(int cpu, int value,          
                                      int ctr_num,  int CCCRValue, 
                                      int ESCRAddr, int ESCRValue, 
                                      int XMSRAddr, int XMSRValue);


     // Set and start counting on the given counter in given processor(s).
     // Initializes counter to 'value' and starts it.
     // ***** P6 (Pentium Pro/II/III/Celeron) ONLY *****
     // Input:
     // - cpu:         Processor on which counters should be started, or ALL_CPUS
     // - value:       Value to which counters should be initialized
     // - PerfEvtSel0: Value of PerfEvtSel0 register
     // - PerfEvtSel1: Value of PerfEvtSel1 register
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error starting counter
     // Notes:
     // - If starting the counter in more than one processor, the start *WILL NOT*
     //   be atomic: there is no guarantee that the counter will be started in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     // - Both counters are started at the same time.
     // - To start on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     static native int StartP6Counter(int cpu, int value,
                                      int PerfEvtSel0,   
                                      int PerfEvtSel1);  


     // Set and start counting on the given counter in given processor(s).
     // Initializes counter to 'value' and starts it.
     // ***** AMD (Opteron/Athlon/Phenom) ONLY *****
     // Input:
     // - cpu:         Processor on which counters should be started, or ALL_CPUS
     // - value:       Value to which counters should be initialized
     // - ctr_num:     Counter number (0 - 3)
     // - PerfEvtSel:  Value of PerfEvtSel register controlling counter
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error starting counter
     // Notes:
     // - If starting the counter in more than one processor, the start *WILL NOT*
     //   be atomic: there is no guarantee that the counter will be started in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     // - To start on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     static native int StartAmdCounter(int cpu, int value,
                                       int ctr_num,       
                                       int PerfEvtSel);   


     // Stop counting on given counter in given processors(s).
     // Input:
     // - cpu:       Processor on which counters should be started or:
     //              - ALL_CPUS
     //              - LP0_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     //              - LP1_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     // - ctr:    Number of counter to stop, or ALL_COUNTERS
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error stopping counter
     // Notes:
     // - If stopping the counter in more than one processor, the stop *WILL NOT*
     //   be atomic: there is no guarantee that the counter will be stopped in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     // - To stop counters on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     // - To stop all counters specify ctr as ALL_COUNTERS
     static native int StopCounter(int cpu, int ctr);


     // Resumes counter in given processors(s).
     // Input:
     // - cpu:       Processor on which counters should be started or:
     //              - ALL_CPUS
     //              - LP0_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     //              - LP1_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     // - ctr:    Number of counter to resume, or ALL_COUNTERS
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error resuming counter
     // Notes:
     // - If resuming the counter in more than one processor, the resume *WILL NOT*
     //   be atomic: there is no guarantee that the counter will be resumed in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     // - To resume counters on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     // - To resume all counters specify ctr as ALL_COUNTERS
     static native int ResumeCounter(int cpu, int ctr);


     // Sets counter to 'value' in given processors(s).
     // Input:
     // - cpu:       Processor on which counters should be started or:
     //              - ALL_CPUS
     //              - LP0_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     //              - LP1_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     // - ctr:    Number of counter to set, or ALL_COUNTERS
     // - value:  Value to which the counter should be set
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error resetting counter
     // Notes:
     // - If setting the counter in more than one processor, the set *WILL NOT*
     //   be atomic: there is no guarantee that the counter will be set in all
     //   processors at the same time.
     // - To set counters on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     // - To set all counters specify ctr as ALL_COUNTERS
     // - To reset counters specify value = 0
     static native int SetCounter(int cpu, int ctr, long value);


     // Returns the current value of the given counter from given processors(s).
     // Input:
     // - cpu:       Processor on which counters should be started or:
     //              - ALL_CPUS
     //              - LP0_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     //              - LP1_CPUS (If HTT enabled)
     // - ctr:       Number of counter to read
     // Sets:
     // - raw_ctrs[]
     // - raw_cycles[]
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: error getting counter
     // Notes:
     // - If getting counter values from more than one processor, the values *WILL NOT*
     //   be obtained atomically: there is no guarantee that the counter will be read
     //   from all processors at the same time.
     // - To read counter on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     // - ctr *MUST* be a valid counter number. It *CANNOT* be ALL_COUNTERS
     // - raw_ctrs[] and raw_cycles[] are indexed by CPU number.
     //   Element i contains the value of the requested counter for
     //   the ith processor.
     // - The largest valid index for raw_ctrs[] and raw_cycles[] is (CpuCnt - 1).
     static native int GetCounter(int cpu, int ctr, long[] raw_ctrs, long[] raw_cycles);