
PerfUtil Java API: CpuInfo class


     // Queries processor architecture.
     // ***** Runs on current processor *****
     // Returns:
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_X86_INTEL           Intel x86 processors
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_X86_AMD             AMD x86 processors
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_IA64                Intel IA64 processors
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64               AMD x86-64 processors
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_PPC                 32/64-bit PowerPC processors
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_S390                31/64-bit s390/zArchitecture processors
     // - CPU_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN             Unknown architecture
     static native int GetCpuArchitecture();


     // Returns processor architecture string
     // ***** Runs on current processor *****
     // Returns:
     // - "x86 (P6)"
     // - "x86 (Pentium M)"
     // - "x86 (Core Solo/Duo)"
     // - "x86 (Core 2)"
     // - "x86 (P4)"
     // - "x64 (P4/EM64T)"
     // - "x64 (Core/EM64T)"
     // - "x86 (AMD)"
     // - "x64 (AMD64)"
     static native String GetProcessorArchitectureString();


     // Returns processor type.
     // Returns:
     // * x86 Intel:
     //   - CPU_TYPE_P5                        P5 (Pentium, Pentium MMX)
     //   - CPU_TYPE_P6                        P6 (Pentium Pro/II/III, Celeron)
     //   - CPU_TYPE_P4                        P4 (Pentium 4)
     //   - CPU_TYPE_UNKNOWN                   Unknown processor
     // * x86 AMD:
     // * IA64:
     // * AMD64:
     // * PPC:
     // * S390:
     static native int GetCpuType();


     // Returns processor byte ordering (endianness).
     // Returns:
     // - CPU_LITTLE_ENDIAN                    Little endian byte ordering
     // - CPU_BIG_ENDIAN                       Big endian byte ordering
     static native int GetCpuByteOrdering();


     // Returns processor word size.
     // Returns:
     // - CPU_32BITS                           32-bit processor (31-bit for s390)
     // - CPU_64BITS                           64-bit processor
     static native int GetCpuWordSize();


     // Returns processor speed (in Hz)
     static native long GetCpuSpeed();


     // Returns number of active (configured) processors.
     // Notes:
     // - On systems where HyperThreading is enabled the active processor
     //   will be larger than the physical processor count.
     // - Systems with more than 1 active processor are considered to be SMP.
     static native int GetActiveCpuCount();


     // Returns number of physical (installed) processors.
     // Notes:
     // - On systems where HyperThreading is enabled the physical processor
     //   will be smaller than the active processor count.
     // - Systems with more than 1 physical processor are considered to be SMP.
     static native int GetPhysicalCpuCount();


     // Returns number of Hardware Performance Counters available.
     static native int GetNumberOfPerfCounters();


     // Returns number of Logical Processors per Physical Processor.
     // Notes:
     // - On systems that do not support HyperThreading the number of
     //   Logical processors per package is always 1.
     static native int GetNumberOfLogicalProcessors();


     // Returns number of Cores per Physical Processor.
     // Notes:
     // - On systems that do not support multi-core the number of
     //   cores per package is always 1.
     static native int GetNumberOfCores();


     // Issue CPUID instruction and return raw data.
     // ***** Runs on current processor *****
     // Input:
     // - index:  Value of eax when issuing CPUID instruction
     // Returns:
     // - Contents of requested register (eax, ebx, ecx, edx) on
     //   x86 and AMD processors.
     // Notes:
     // - Supported on x86 (Intel and AMD) and AMD64 processors.
     // - Results are undefined on any other processor architectures. It
     //   is recommended that zero (0) be returned.
     static native int GetCpuidEax(int index);
     static native int GetCpuidEbx(int index);
     static native int GetCpuidEcx(int index);
     static native int GetCpuidEdx(int index);


     // Read processor cycle counter.
     // ***** Runs on current processor _OR_ the requested processor *****
     // Returns:
     // * x86 Intel and AMD
     //   - 64-bit value of the Time Stamp Counter (TSC) register
     // * IA64:
     //   - 64-bit value of the Interval Time Counter (ITC) register
     // * AMD64:
     //   - 64-bit value of the Time Stamp Counter (TSC) register
     // * PPC:
     //   - 64-bit value of the Timebase (TB) register
     // * S390:
     //   - 64-bit value of the Time Of Day (TOD) clock
     static native long ReadCycles();
     static native long ReadCycles(int cpu);


     // Reads MSR number 'msr' in given processor and returns its value.
     // Input:
     // - cpu:       Processor on which MSR should be read, or ALL_CPUS
     // - msr:       Number of MSR to read
     // - MsrValues: Array that will contain value of MSR read, one element
     //              per processor.
     // Sets:
     // - MsrValues[]
     // Returns:
     // - 0:        success
     // - non-zero: values not read from 1 or more processors
     // Notes:
     // - To read MSR on all processors specify cpu as ALL_CPUS
     // - A value of zero (0) is returned for invalid MSRs.
     // - MsrValues[] is indexed by CPU number. The largest valid
     //   index is (CpuCnt - 1).
     // - This method is very platform specific. Check the platform
     //   documentation for available MSRs.
     static native int RdMsr(int cpu, int msr, long[] MsrValues);


     // Returns whether or not the given CPU number is valid.
     static native boolean IsCpuNumberValid(int cpu_num);


     // Returns whether or not the given Performance Counter number is valid.
     static native boolean IsPerfCounterNumberValid(int ctr_num);


     // Returns whether or not this is a 32-bit processor.
     static native boolean IsCpu32bits();


     // Returns whether or not this is a 64-bit processor.
     static native boolean IsCpu64bits();


     // Returns whether or not this is a little-endian processor.
     static native boolean IsCpuLittleEndian();


     // Returns whether or not this is a big-endian processor.
     static native boolean IsCpuBigEndian();


     // Returns whether or not this is an SMP system.
     // Notes:
     // - An SMP system is one in which there are more than 1 active processors.
     // - A system that is not SMP is UNI by definition.
     static native boolean IsSystemSmp();


     // Returns whether or not this is a UP (UNI) system.
     // Notes:
     // - A UP system is one in which there is only 1 active processor.
     // - A system that is not UP is SMP by definition.
     static native boolean IsSystemUni();


     // Returns whether or not the processors support HyperThreading.
     // Notes:
     // - Hyperthreading is only available on Intel Pentium-4 processors.
     static native boolean IsHttSupported();


     // Returns whether or not HyperThreading is enabled.
     // Notes:
     // - Hyperthreading is only available on Intel Pentium-4 processors.
     // - If Hyperthreading is enabled the number of physical processors
     //   will be less than the number of active processors.
     static native boolean IsHttEnabled();


     // Returns whether or not processor is multi-core.
     static native boolean IsProcessorMultiCore();


     // Returns whether or this is an Intel processor.
     // Intel processors include:
     //   - P6-type: Pentium Pro/II/III, Celeron, Pentium-M, Core Solo/Duo, Core2
     //   - P4-type: Pentium 4, Pentium Xeon/Xeon MP
     static native boolean IsProcessorIntel();


     // Returns whether or not this is an AMD processor.
     // AMD processors include:
     //   - Opteron, Athlon, Sempron, Turion
     static native boolean IsProcessorAmd();


     // Returns whether or not this is an x86-type processor.
     // - Could be Intel or AMD
     static native boolean IsProcessorX86();


     // Returns whether or not this is an x64-type processor.
     // - Could be Intel (EM64T) or AMD (AMD64)
     static native boolean IsProcessorX64();


     // Returns whether or not this is an Intel P4-type (Netburst) processor.
     // - Intel P4-type: Pentium 4, Pentium Xeon/Xeon MP
     static native boolean IsProcessorP4();


     // Returns whether or not this is an AMD P15-type (AMD64) processor.
     // - AMD P15-type: Opteron, Athlon, Sempron, Turion
     static native boolean IsProcessorP15();


     // Returns whether or not this is an Intel P6-type processor.
     // - Intel P6-type: Pentium Pro/II/III, Celeron, Pentium-M, Core Solo/Duo, Core2
     static native boolean IsProcessorP6();


     // Returns whether or not this is an Intel Pentium M processor.
     static native boolean IsProcessorPentiumM();


     // Returns whether or not this is an Intel Core Solo/Core Duo processor.
     static native boolean IsProcessorCoreSD();


     // Returns whether or not this is an Intel Core2 processor.
     static native boolean IsProcessorCore();


     // Returns whether or not this is a PowerPC 64 processor.
     static native boolean IsProcessorPPC64();


     // Returns whether or not this is an AMD Opteron processor.
     static native boolean IsProcessorOpteron();


     // Returns whether or not this is an AMD Athlon processor.
     static native boolean IsProcessorAthlon();