JPROF Version_9.5.3 (JVMTI) (OnDisk : C:\build\test\jprof.dll) (Built : Wed May 27 12:50:24 Central Daylight Time 2009) (Source : Tue May 26 15:00:00 Central Daylight Time 2009) JProf HELP: CONFIG= Read configuration information from the selected file VERBMSG Enable verbose output to log-msg VERBOSE Enable verbose output to stderr LOGPATH= Path to be used with all log files LOGPREFIX= Prefix to replace 'log' in all log file names LOGSUFFIX= Suffix to be appended to all log file names PIDX Add/remove _pid suffix on output files (-pidx to remove) DELTAS Add/remove DELTA fields in output files (default is NODELTAS) PORT= Select the port number to be used by RTDRIVER TPROF | ITRACE Turn on options required for TPROF or ITRACE Implies JITA2N, THREADINFO, and JINSTS JITA2N Write address-to-name information to log-jita2n THREADINFO Produce thread information file log-jtnm JINSTS Include bytes of instructions in log-jita2n JPA Perform the function of libjpa on AIX to produce /tmp/JavaPID.syms Callflow options: CALLTREE Perform basic calltree profiling and produce log-rt files Implies NOMETRICS (requires no driver) CALLFLOW Perform call flow profiling and produce log-rt Implies METRICS=PTT_INSTS+PTT_CYCLES CALLTRACE | GENERIC Perform calltrace profiling and produce log-gen Implies METRICS=PTT_INSTS,NOTREES CALLTRACECALIB | GENCALIB Perform calibrated calltrace profiling and produce log-gen Implies METRICS=PTT_INSTS,NOTREES JINSIGHT Produce a log-jinsight file for use with Jinsight (JVMTI Only) This implies CALLTREE,METRICS=RAW_CYCLES,OBJECTINFO,NOTREES Not compatible with ENABLEDELTAHEAPDUMP OBJECTINFO Report object allocations/frees in log-rt files Implies NOMETHODTYPES OBJRECS Report object allocations as records with AO, AB, LO, and LB fields, instead of reporting these fields as logical metrics. MINALLOC= Ignore all allocations less than N bytes Used with OBJECTINFO and/or SCS=ALLOCATED_BYTES METHODTYPES Use NOMETHODTYPES or -METHODTYPES to remove method types from reports SOBJS Display finer object information by grouping objects of the same size Used with OBJECTINFO and/or SCS=ALLOCATED_BYTES+ Metric Selection options: All metrics can use :n as a suffix to shift out the last n decimal digits. All metrics ending with _CYCLES can be scaled to seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds using :SEC, :MSEC, :USEC, or :NSEC. Composite metrics have no delta columns in log-rt. METRICS= List of one or more of the metrics below, using '+' as a separator PTT_INSTS Per Thread Time with metric = Instructions Completed PTT_CYCLES Per Thread Time with metric = Cycles RAW_CYCLES Wall clock time with metric = Cycles LAT_CYCLES Composite metric = RAW_CYCLES - PTT_CYCLES (Latency Cycles) CPI Composite metric = PTT_CYCLES / PTT_INSTS (Cycles per Instruction) METRICS Use NOMETRICS or -METRICS when executing without a device driver Use ALLMETRICS or +METRICS to get all of the metrics above Miscellaneous options: START | BEGIN Start data collection immediately. Default is NOSTART EHD | ENABLEHEAPDUMP Enable HeapDump (default is OFF to reduce overhead) EDHD | ENABLEDELTAHEAPDUMP Enable Delta HeapDump (default is OFF to reduce overhead) Implies ENABLEHEAPDUMP (JVMTI Only) HDPEAK= Enable heapdump at peak, when usage increases to xxM (MB) or xx percent HDVALLEY= Enable heapdump at valley, when usage decreases to xxM (MB) or xx percent HD | HEAPDUMP Perform HeapDump at JVM exit (JVMTI only) VMPEAK= Enable VM dump at peak, when usage increases to xxM (MB) or xx percent VMVALLEY= Enable VM dump at valley, when usage decreases to xxM (MB) or xx percent VMDUMPAGENT= Agent used to perform dumps for VMDUMP, VMPEAK= and VMVALLEY=. JAVA, HEAP, and SNAP are valid, default is SYSTEM. GCINFO Enable Garbage Collection Start/End events HR | HUMANREADABLE Make output Human Readable with extra padding JLM | JLMSTART Start Java Lock Monitoring with timestamps JLML | JLMSTARTLITE Start Java Lock Monitoring without timestamps CALSTATS= Define file for load/store of calibration statistics USESTATS= Define file for load of previously gathered calibration statistics Calculation of improved stats is disabled SCS= | SAMPLING= Enable call stack sampling for EVENT[=N][+], where EVENT is the name of a JVM event and N is the number of occurences before sampling. The default value of N is 1. Use START to begin immediately. The + displays the class of the object associated with each event and implies NOMETHODTYPES. JVMPI only supports ALLOCATED_BYTES. Events supported are: ALLOCATED_BYTES MONITOR_WAIT MONITOR_WAITED MONITOR_CONTENDED_ENTER MONITOR_CONTENDED_ENTERED CLASS_LOAD IDLE (sample all idle threads every N milliseconds, default 10) SCS_THREADSTATES= Defines the thread states used for SCS=IDLE (JVMTI only) Multiple states are separated by plus (+) signs Default is BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER+WAITING If no value is specified, valid states will be listed LEGEND Use -LEGEND to suppress the method type legend in output files TSNODES Timestamp the creation of call flow tree nodes Record and Playback options: RECORD Record events and write them to log-trace or log-trace_pid Implies NOTREES and IDPNODE PLAYBACK | PLAYBACK= Playback log-trace and write normal log files with 'p' suffix. Use PLAYBACK=pid to select log-trace_pid Use PLAYBACK=filename to select any other name PLAYBACK must be the first option specified TREES Use NOTREES or -TREES to suppress building of call flow trees RECBUFSIZE= Size of the RECORD buffer: S, M, L, X, or size in MB Default = M (10MB) RECBUFNOCACHE Access to recording buffer bypasses the processor's cache START_TIME= Timestamp at which to begin PLAYBACK STOP_TIME= Timestamp at which to end PLAYBACK Selection Lists: All lists use '+' or '-' separators for inclusive or exclusive entries. A trailing '*' on any selection is a wildcard that turns the entry into a prefix. The default selection is ALL, unless the first entry begins with '+' or no leading separator, to allow selection of a single item. THREADS= Add entries of the form threadname to the selection list CLASSMETHODS= Add entries of the form classname.methodname to the selection list OBJECTCLASSES= Add entries of the form classname to the selection list Help options: HELP Display help listing for common options ALLHELP Display help listing for all options VERSION Display only the version information from the top of the help listing JPROF EXITING